The globally recognized standard for IT
The Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert (MCSE):
Server Infrastructure certification validates
that you have the skills needed to run a highly
efficient and modern data center, with expertise
in identity management, systems management,
virtualization, storage, and networking.
MCSE 2016 Boot Camp :
Azure Boot camp :
Boot Camp:
Earning an MCSE: Server Infrastructure
certification will qualify you for such jobs as
computer support specialist and information
security analyst.
Heard about the coming Windows Server 2012 R2
updates? Read the FAQs to
find out how we are updating our certifications.
Step |
Title |
Optional training |
Required exam |
Certification earned |
1 |
Installing and Configuring Windows
Server 2012 |
2 |
Administering Windows Server 2012 |
3 |
Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012
After successfully completing
steps 1-3, you'll earn a
Microsoft Certified Solutions
Associate (MCSA): Windows Server
2012 certification.
4 |
Designing and Implementing a Server
Infrastructure |
5 |
Implementing an Advanced Server
Infrastructure |
Exercise 8.7: Creating a Local Printer with Windows NT
Objective: Create a locally installed printer on NT.
Estimated time: 20 minutes
1. | Click Start, Settings. Then choose Printers to open the Printers window. | 2. | Click on Add Printer to display the Add Printer Wizard. As with many other administrative tasks, the process of creating and sharing a printer has been streamlined and simplified by the use of a “wizard,” a small program that leads you through a particular task. Choose My Computer and click Next. | 3. | The wizard asks you to specify the port or ports to which the new printer should print. Choose lpt1: and click Next.
You can define multiple ports because printers in Windows NT and Windows 95 are virtualized. This refers to the fact that a printer in these environments is not a physical machine but rather a collection of settings and configuration information about a particular machine. You can test this by installing a printer—or a modem or a network card—that is not actually physically present in your machine. The device will install perfectly, but you will receive an error if an application attempts to access it, because this device doesn’t exist. When a matching physical device is attached, the virtual device will recognize it and forward information as needed. For those of you who have used print queues, it might be easiest to think of a printer as a new name for a print queue. The machine itself is referred to as a printing device.
| 4. | The wizard now asks you to specify the type of physical device to which you are printing or the device type that your printer emulates. Click HP in the left pane and then find and select Color LaserJet. Then click Next. | 5. | Now you are asked to name your new printer. Remember that each printer on your machine must have a unique name, and that name should be descriptive of its type or function. Type Color Printer and click Next. | 6. | Now you are asked whether the printer will be shared, and if so, what other operating systems will access it. Click Shared, call the new share MyLaser, and select Windows 95 from the list of additional operating systems. Note that each supported Windows NT platform requires a different driver. Click Next. | 7. | The wizard now has all the information it needs. Leave the Print Test Page option on and click Finish. You will need the source files for both your Windows NT Server or Workstation and for Windows 95. You are prompted for the location of the source files, and the necessary drivers are loaded. |
- The Printer icon for Color Printer is created in the Printers window. Select it and the queue appears. Print a document to the new printer and check the queue again. The document should be waiting to print.
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MCSE, CCNA, Certification n training
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Microsoft Vista
Certification Boot Camp for Vista training boot camps
Installing and Deploying Windows Server 2003, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training
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Requirements, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training boot camp get MCSE Certification
join MCSE Boot camps
Installing Windows Server 2003 from the CD-Rom, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training
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Installing Windows Server 2003 from a Network Share, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE
Training boot camp get MCSE Certification join MCSE Boot camps
Performing an Unattended Installation, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training boot camp
get MCSE Certification join MCSE Boot camps
Using an Unattended Answer
File, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training boot camp get MCSE Certification join MCSE
Boot camps
Using the System Preparation
Tool, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training boot camp get MCSE Certification join MCSE
Boot camps
Using Remote Installation
Services, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training boot camp get MCSE Certification join
MCSE Boot camps
Windows Server 2003 Licensing,
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Software Installation and
Maintenance Technology, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training boot camp get MCSE
Certification join MCSE Boot camps
Acquiring and Modifying
Software Packages, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training boot camp get MCSE
Certification join MCSE Boot camps
Deploying Software Packages,
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Assigning Software Packages,
MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training boot camp get MCSE Certification join MCSE Boot
Publishing Software
Packages, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training boot camp get MCSE Certification join
MCSE Boot camps
Deploying .zap Files, MCSE
Boot Camp & MCSE Training boot camp get MCSE Certification join MCSE Boot camps
Upgrading Software, MCSE Boot
Camp & MCSE Training boot camp get MCSE Certification join MCSE Boot camps
Mandatory Upgrades, MCSE
Boot Camp & MCSE Training boot camp get MCSE Certification join MCSE Boot camps
Optional Upgrades, MCSE Boot
Camp & MCSE Training boot camp get MCSE Certification join MCSE Boot camps
Redeploying Software, MCSE
Boot Camp & MCSE Training boot camp get MCSE Certification join MCSE Boot camps
Removing or Disabling
Software, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training boot camp get MCSE Certification join
MCSE Boot camps
Deploying Service Packs and
Hotfixes, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training boot camp get MCSE Certification join
MCSE Boot camps
Installing Service Packs and
Hotfixes, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training boot camp get MCSE Certification join
MCSE Boot camps
Removing a Service Pack or
Hotfix, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training boot camp get MCSE Certification join
MCSE Boot camps
Slipstreaming Service Packs
and Hotfixes, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training boot camp get MCSE Certification
join MCSE Boot camps
Adding Service Packs and
Hotfixes to a Network Installation Share, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training boot
camp get MCSE Certification join MCSE Boot camps
Installing Multiple Hotfixes,
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Microsoft Software Update
Services, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training boot camp get MCSE Certification join
MCSE Boot camps
Windows Update, MCSE Boot
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Windows Update Catalog, MCSE
Boot Camp & MCSE Training boot camp get MCSE Certification join MCSE Boot camps
Automatic Updates, MCSE Boot
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Software Update Services,
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The Windows Server 2003 Boot
Process, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training boot camp get MCSE Certification join
MCSE Boot camps
Preboot Sequence, MCSE Boot
Camp & MCSE Training boot camp get MCSE Certification join MCSE Boot camps
Boot Sequence, MCSE Boot
Camp & MCSE Training boot camp get MCSE Certification join MCSE Boot camps
Kernel Load, MCSE Boot Camp
& MCSE Training boot camp get MCSE Certification join MCSE Boot camps
Kernel Initialization, MCSE
Boot Camp & MCSE Training boot camp get MCSE Certification join MCSE Boot camps
The Session Manager, MCSE
Boot Camp & MCSE Training boot camp get MCSE Certification join MCSE Boot camps
The Boot.ini File, MCSE Boot
Camp & MCSE Training boot camp get MCSE Certification join MCSE Boot camps
Components of the Boot.ini
File, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training boot camp get MCSE Certification join MCSE
Boot camps
Computing (ARC) paths
pointing to the computer's boot partition, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training boot
camp get MCSE Certification join MCSE Boot camps
Boot.ini Switches, MCSE Boot
Camp & MCSE Training boot camp get MCSE Certification join MCSE Boot camps
Advanced Boot Options, MCSE
Boot Camp & MCSE Training boot camp get MCSE Certification join MCSE Boot camps
The Recovery Console, MCSE
Boot Camp & MCSE Training boot camp get MCSE Certification join MCSE Boot camps
Installing and Starting the
Recovery Console, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training boot camp get MCSE
Certification join MCSE Boot camps
Using the Recovery Console,
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Installing New Hardware, MCSE
Boot Camp & MCSE Training boot camp get MCSE Certification join MCSE Boot camps
Using Driver Signing, MCSE
Boot Camp & MCSE Training boot camp get MCSE Certification join MCSE Boot camps
Configuring Driver Signing,
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The File Signature
Verification Utility, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training boot camp get MCSE
Certification join MCSE Boot camps
Configuring Hard Disks, MCSE
Boot Camp & MCSE Training boot camp get MCSE Certification join MCSE Boot camps
Converting to Dynamic Disk
Status, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training boot camp get MCSE Certification join
MCSE Boot camps
Creating Simple Volumes, MCSE
Boot Camp & MCSE Training boot camp get MCSE Certification join MCSE Boot camps
Creating Spanned Volumes,
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Creating Striped Volumes,
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Creating Mirrored Volumes,
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Creating Striped Volumes with
Parity RAID-5 Volumes, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training boot camp get MCSE
Certification join MCSE Boot camps
Configuring File Systems, MCSE
Boot Camp & MCSE Training boot camp get MCSE Certification join MCSE Boot camps
Encrypting File System (EFS),
MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training boot camp get MCSE Certification join MCSE Boot
Encrypting Files Across the
Network, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training boot camp get MCSE Certification join
MCSE Boot camps
Encrypted File Recovery,
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Volume Mounting, MCSE Boot
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File Compression, MCSE Boot
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Copying and Moving
Compressed Files and Folders, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training boot camp get MCSE
Certification join MCSE Boot camps
Defragmenting Volumes and
Partitions, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training boot camp get MCSE Certification join
MCSE Boot camps
Backing Up and Restoring Data,
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Backup Types, MCSE Boot Camp
& MCSE Training boot camp get MCSE Certification join MCSE Boot camps
Backing Up System State Data,
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Restoring Files and Folders,
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Restoring Active Directory
Directory Services, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training boot camp get MCSE
Certification join MCSE Boot camps
Failed Domain Controllers,
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Damaged Active Directory
Databases, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training boot camp get MCSE Certification join
MCSE Boot camps
Authoritative Restores, MCSE
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Automated System Recovery,
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Adding Additional CPUs, MCSE
Boot Camp & MCSE Training boot camp get MCSE Certification join MCSE Boot camps
Adding Removable Media
Drives, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training boot camp get MCSE Certification join
MCSE Boot camps
Peer-to-Peer networks, MCSE
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Creating Network Connections,
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Automatic IP Addressing, MCSE
Boot Camp & MCSE Training boot camp get MCSE Certification join MCSE Boot camps
DHCP Addressing, MCSE Boot
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Name Resolution, MCSE Boot
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NetBIOS Name Resolution, MCSE
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Host Name Resolution, MCSE
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Domain Name Space, MCSE Boot
Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps
DNS Zones, MCSE Boot Camp &
MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps
Active Directory Integrated
Stores, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join
MCSE Boot camps
Windows Server 2003 network,
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Active Directory Support for
Client Computers, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp
Certification join MCSE Boot camps
Contiguous namespace. The
name of the child object in an object hierarchy
Domain Controllers, MCSE Boot
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Domain Functional Levels,
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Controlling Access to Active
Directory Objects, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp
Certification join MCSE Boot camps
Delegating Administrative
Control, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join
MCSE Boot camps
Publishing Resources, MCSE
Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps
Setting Up and Managing
Published Printers, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp
Certification join MCSE Boot camps
Installing Printer Drivers,
MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot
Setting Up and Managing
Published Shared Folders, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp
Certification join MCSE Boot camps
Auditing Access to Active
Directory Objects, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp
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